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Roofing and Education. BIG Time!

Roofing. It's hard. I'd imagine most roofing contractors in business today didn't roll out of bed and say "I am gonna be a roofer". If you did - Wow. Good for you!

Yet on the other hand - You may have been the roofer that was on a roof since you were 12, just old enough and strong enough to carry a bucket of plates up a ladder. Or maybe a bucket of coatings - but still, yes you have been a roofer for a long time! Most of us, with wrong ways, and a little gray area in the middle have learned on the job and from those around us.

Roofing at an early age.
Circa 1980. Now CEO of IB Roof Systems. Jason Stanley and 4 brothers.

Along your roofing journey, you may know that there are right ways and there are wrong ways, and there is a little gray area in the middle that makes room for conversation!

So, how do you make it in this business?

When cruising thru all of the online roofing news and forums I see a huge disparity in product use, quality, installation techniques, or that an installer doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground. How do you know your right? I know, I know, you have been a roofer for 20 years! But you may have been doing it wrong for 20 years. Guess what! There's Hope. We can all get along! Answer. Quality training AND SAME curriculum-based education...

If you were to say just a few years ago there were resources, education, and people dedicated to making roofing a better trade, career, and a path to make awesome money - sure, maybe for some - but not all! TODAY - huge changes are being implemented from ALL of the top contracting companies, manufacturers, and even at the tippy-top - THE NRCA. Training and education are paramount for contractors and crews in order to propel them into successful businesses and careers with growth and vision. Bringing education and training to a standard method and accessibility for all in the industry!

Looking for pride in craftsmanship?
Opportunity for growth in the industry?
Command more money for your labor?

GET THE TRAINING and EDUCATION that comes with proof!!! All other trades have schools and certificates and licensing - roofing - hasn't had it - but now it is here! Prove you have skills! Prove you are better - it's now so simple to do!

I was able to sit in recently with some of the industry's largest contracting companies, executives from manufacturers (Steve Little, KPost Roofing and Waterproofing, Kelley Van Winkle, King of Texas Roofing Company, LLC, Ron Harriman, Benchmark, Inc., Jason Stanley, IB Roof Systems) as well as the newly appointed NRCA CEO, Mckay Daniels and IT IS GETTING EXCITING!!!

Mckay and the team shared many of the available resources and tools for contractors and crews to get the training they need to be better at business and their trade. With many online courses and now assessors to provide the testing - you need to get your certifications today!


SAVE THE DATE SEPTEMBER 27th, 2022 The FIRST EVER manufacturer hosted, large-scale ProCErtification event. (Thermoplastics)

WHERE - IB Roof Systems Respond by August 10 to get $200 off each application. Get started Here

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Labor Central is one simply designed tool to bridge that gap. Search. Find. Connect. Work. Meet crews that fit your company's needs today with crews with profiles and details ready to go to work.


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