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Imagine a Rolodex with crews anywhere you need. View their profiles and qualitifications and contact them directly.
No Middle man - No hidden fees.
What Contractors are talking about...
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See how easy it is to create your account - Click here.
Publicar un proyecto. Conéctese con las tripulaciones.
- Simple Search
Select Crew Criteria.
Crew Type
Crew Size
State/State Serviced/Zip/Radius
Roof Types
Send a Message to Selected Crew Matches.
Connect With Crew.
Crews receive your email and SMS and now can contact you directly via your phone or email. SIMPLE.
Do business as you always do. Connect and contract with new found crew!
Create a Project
Fill out the new job form with details for the crew to understand and respond to.
Publish the job
Once your job is created - publish it with a note to all that match to connect with you. Your job will be sent to all crews that match the project detail requirements
Crews will connect with you.
Crews will get your job information in an email and SMS so they can call and connect with you directly - no middle man.
Not a broker service.
No Middleman.
Access to crews and profiles quickly
Precios del programa
Plan Anual
199,95 / mes.
Facturado anualmente
$ 1995,00
199,95 / mes.
Facturado anualmente
$ 1995,00
Acceso los 365 días
Publicaciones de proyectos ilimitadas
Grupos ilimitados
Seguimiento de proyectos
Acceso a mensajería
Soporte telefónico
Soporte de correo electrónico
Pago con tarjeta de crédito
Calificaciones del grupo
Ofertas directas
Facturación / Soporte 1099
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